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Get a free monthly income
up to 100% purchase price refund on all your purchases
and up to 35% financial participation in our advertising revenue.
All without any investment or ongoing costs. Everything is free for life.

Become our Business Partner
Benefit from our unique free sales and turnover promotion.
Billions of dollars are waiting to buy your products or services
Your customers will get up to 80% of the purchase price back.
All without any costs for you.

Just 3 steps to your success

  1. Register for the free membership;
  2. Invite friends to join
    and finally
  3. make use of our free services.
Read the Details

The name "Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network" (short ELC), already indicates that our community has been created to ease up life for all members and that a blockchain network is integrated. In addition to its incomparable cryptocurrency “GLOBAL”, which is paid out to all users monthly as an unconditional basic income, “ELC” offers up to 80% purchase price refunds and up to 35% participation in all advertising revenue, as well as other advantageous cooperation opportunities.
application possibilities




solving problems (poverty, hunger, climate change, financial crashes, etc.)


Become a "Business Member"

Benefit from our unique and free sales and turnover promotion .
Billions of dollars are - month after month - waiting to buy your products or services.
We not only distribute an unconditional basic income based on our cryptocurrency worth more than $3,000 every month to all our members for free, we also offer our members up to 100% purchase price refunds. All completely free for our “Business Members”.

Recognize your advantages

Your valuable membership at ELC is extremely important for you and our entire planet.
We are in the midst of the greatest social, economic and political upheavals since the Industrial Revolution (mid-18th to early 19th centuries) and must respond to them in a timely and targeted manner.

Against what and how does my membership help me and the world?
Read our blog entries on the progress of our company, the UNCONDITIONAL BASIC INCOME we distribute to all members, the global economic, environmental and financial situation and many more important topics.
Dear ELC members, dear interested parties!We at Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network have completed our beta phase extremely successfully.As already announced, we are now upgrading our ...
by Super User
Contact us with any questions, suggestions and / or requests. We are at your disposal.
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