Terms & Conditions
of "SIRIUS VISION LIMITED" (hereinafter referred to as SIRIUS) a subsidiary of "Human Ecological Business Holding International Inc." (hereinafter referred to as HEBHI) and all subsidiary and sister companies in relation to the use of the commercial online platform "Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network" (hereinafter referred to as ELC), URL: https://easylife.community, in particular regarding memberships such as the "Private Member", "Business Member" and "Business Premium Member", the use of the online shop and all included or offered services, as well as with regard to the use of the blockchain "Global Unconditional Basic Income", the cryptocurrency "Global" based on it, the "Unconditional Basic Income" and the use of the exchange platform "Global Easy Life Community" (hereinafter referred to as EXCHANGE), URL: https://global.easylife.community.
Withdrawal / right of withdrawal
For any form of registration, but especially for orders of products or services in the online shop, the respective statutory rights of revocation of the respective member's country of residence apply as accepted.
If goods or services ordered in the shop have already been delivered / dispatched / transmitted to the respective member a return within the given period according to the local legisation is accepted. This does not apply to goods or services such as books, instructions, music or the like, which, once sent online, are easy to copy.
Privacy protection:
Each registered person or business irrevocably agrees that the personnel of SIRIUS, EXCHANGE and HEBHI and all subsidiary and sister companies may save, edit and use personal and business data for internal administration, for the payment of the different emoluments, for the transfer of the unconditional basic income in GLOBAL, for the development of the ELC community and the EXCHANGE and similar internal needs. SIRIUS, HEBHI and all subsidiary and sister companies are responsible for the protection of all data. No data will be shared with third parties outside of the personnel of SIRIUS, HEBHI and all subsidiary and sister companies, except the transfer of address data to “Business Members" and “Business Premium Members” who ship ordered products directly or to authorized fulfillment houses for shipping, receipt and handling of product returns, billing and dunning purposes.
Read also our Privacy Policy here or the Privacy Policy of our Exchange Site.
Cancellation clause:
Every on our commercial website ELC and the EXCGABGE platform registered person or business (a one-time registration always takes automatically place on both sites) may cancel any registration with SIRIUS, HEBHI and all subsidiary and sister companies either on the commercial website ELC or on the EXCHANGE site or, if desired, on both sites at the same time by writing an email with setting acknowledgment of receipt to the contact[at]easylife[dot]community at any time.
Cancellation may be made for any or no reason.
Every cancellation received and its receipt has been confirmed will be completely free of charge and except the sending of a confirmation email without comments accepted and executed within a maximum of seventy-two (72) hours.
If the canceling member although he/she has checked his spam/junk folders has not received a confirmation email (confirmation of receipt and execution of the cancellation) from SIRIUS or HEBHI, the respective member is required to urge his cancellation again, either by email or by phone call.
Should a termination (also) take place on the exchange site and there may still be (one or more different) national currency in the member's fiat accounts, these amounts will automatically be transferred (returned) to the specified Bank or credit card accounts of the member. This process can take a few days depending on the country of residence of the member and the member's bank or credit card connection. The canceling member has to bear the costs of the respective transfer(s), means the transfer cost will be deducted from the respective amount(s).
Any credits in GLOBAL on the respective member account will not be converted into fiat currency and paid out in the course of a termination, nor will it be remunerated in any other way. In the event of a termination on the Exchange platform despite the credit balance available to GLOBAL, this amount (s) will expire in favor of SIRIUS and/or HEBHI, respectively will SIRIUS or HEBHI donate such amounts for a charitable purpose. Such a donation campaign will be published on the ELC site without disclosing the name of the respective member.
Processing Fees:
In principle, we do NOT charge any fees.
Community and shop site - Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network:
Our standard memberships for both, the "Private Member", as well as the the "Business Member" are completely free. For lifetime.
We guarantee that neither a registration fee nor a form of handling fee will be charged.
Only a - later, voluntary - upgrade from "Business Member" to "Business PREMIUM Member" is chargeable. However, a "Business PREMIUM Member" benefits from special advantages that would cost him more than 14 times in the standard economy - see also "Business Member Info".
Exchange-Plattform - Global Easy Life Community:
Our exchange platform is primarily intended for our registered members who
° receive our GLOBAL as a monthly "Unconditional Basic Income" [50 GLOBAL per month, corresponding to around $ 3,000 (as of December 2020)]
° use our GLOBAL for purchases on our community and shopping platform, https://easylife.community.
For this reason, we do not charge any transaction fees (neither taker nor maker fees).
Due to the many (additional) advantages on our community and shopping platform, https://easylife.community, which are offered for successful friendship invitations (for example higher participation in the advertising revenue and higher purchase price refunds), we do not offer any friendship invitation bonuses here.
Reservation of rights
Sirius Vision Limited (SIRIUS) and Human Ecological Business Holding International Inc. (HEBHI) reserve the right to adjust the fees at any time (to activate and/or to change taker and maker fees). Such a decision will be communicated to the registered members by email at least 14 (fourteen) days before it becomes legally valid.
Companies, Senior Management, Contact
SIRIUS VISION LIMITED (SIRIUS) is the main subsidiary of HEBHI and responsible operator of the two web platforms, "Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network", https://easylife.community and "Global Easy Life Community Exchange", https://global.easylife.community and responsible for the Blockchain, "Global Unconditional Basic Income ", the cryptocurrency based on it," Global "(Trade Code XGB) and the distribution of the "Unconditional Basic Income".
SIRIUS VISION LIMITED was established October 12, 2020 and registered at CRO Company Registration Office in Ireland, Bloom House, Gloucester Place Lower, Dublin 1.
[Public Office Website: https://www.cro.ie/en-ie/; Telephone: + (353 1) 8045200, company search page of the CRO: https://search.cro.ie/company/CompanySearch.aspx]
Registration number: 679399
Email: contact[at]easylife[dot]community
Phone Number: +353 (0)1 254 4873
Director: Mario Eduard Giovanelli - his bio can be read here >>
Online-Shop, Community and different other services https://easylife.community and the exchange https://global.easylife.community
The HUMAN ECOLOGICAL BUSINESS HOLDING INTERNATIONAL INC. (HEBHI) is the US-Holding and the majority share holder of all subsidiaries.
It was incorporated by the N.Y.S. Department of State - Division of Corporations and State Records on August 8th, 2014
DOS ID:4619150
EIN: 61-174 3669
Email: contact[at]humanecologybusiness[dot]com
Founder & President: Mario Eduard Giovanelli - see his biography >>
1.1. Offerings
SIRIUS provides a wide range of special offers, business opportunities and cooperation options in the form of a comprehensive commercial online community and an exchange platform for the own as well as other cryptocurrencies and different national currencies.
SIRIUS and HEBHI, respectively the initiator, president and majority owner of both companies has created an own blockchain and cryptocurrency, shopping discount, respectively "Purchase Price Refund" and "Re-Investment" program, as well as an own "Billion Dollar Brain Game World Championship" and different other included procedures in form of modern automated systems for the community members.
The absolute peculiarities of SIRIUS however are, that each registered member will automatically receive a monthly UNCONDITIONAL BASIC INCOME, participate in the annual pro rata payout of the advertising revenue of the community of up to 35% (thirty-five percent), including the administrations staff even up to 45% (forty-five percent). Active members, meant are members who will get - upon request and presentation of an idea/concept - the allowance to create and publish own contributions, such as co-editors [online newspaper(s), blogs, etc.], radio or TV announcers, talk show hosts, filmmakers, authors, software and/or online game developers and similar additional free cooperators will receive additional special (higher) participation in the advertising revenue of SIRIUS.
Both the registration as well as the entire duration of a membership is completely free for "Private Member" and "Business Member".
Only "Business PREMIUM Members" have to pay an annual fee. However, "Business PREMIUM Members" are given a variety of services, such as free targeted advertising, the possibility of free participation in LIVE SHOPPING SHOWS including the release of the advertising video and much more. Services, which cost many times more at all common Internet platforms or video production companies.
Each member, also the free "Private Members" and "Business Members" will automatically receive usage rights of stocks of the holding HEBHI (the right to vote and the right to receive the annual dividend). These usage rights of stocks remain valid throughout the term of membership.
The initiator, president and majority owner of SIRIUS and HEBHI has developed and launched his own, independent blockchain with the name “GLOBAL UNCONDITIONAL BASIC INCOME” and his own, independent cryptocurrency based on it with the name “GLOBAL”, trade code “XGB”.
The cryptocurrency, "GLOBAL" was endowed with nine hundred billion (900,000,000,000) pre-mined1) coins. At the time of release, on December 1st, 2020 a coin is assigned the value of one gram of gold. The connection of the GLOBAL to the gold price was made due to the fact that gold is the safest value in the world. This especially in case of global financial crash.
Nevertheless, because the gold price also fluctuates slightly, the ultimate value of our GLOBAL and thus of the UNCONDITIONAL BASIC INCOME in the desired national currency is always slightly different.
But we protect our members against a financial crash and against a drop in the gold price.
That means: If the gold price falls five percent (5%) below the last maximum value, the GLOBAL is frozen at this value.
If the gold price rises above the last maximum value, the GLOBAL automatically adjusts itself to the current gold value.
1) “Pre-mined” refers to cryptocurrencies whose developers have decided to distribute a percentage or all of them among a certain group of people through a specified process within the protocol.
The cryptocurrency, "GLOBAL", was created to pay all members ("Private Members", "Business Members" and "Business Premium Members") registered on our community and the associated exchange platform a monthly "Unconditional Basic Income" of fifty (50) GLOBAL. This fifty (50) “GLOBAL” monthly unconditional basic income is at the time of the official release (December 1, 2020) the equivalent of arround three thousand US dollars ($ 3,000).
Membership and thus the distribution of the unconditional basic income of fifty (50) "GLOBAL" monthly is completely free. Every person of legal age worldwide can register for free and enjoy the unconditional basic income for lifetime.
The main reasons to offer this unconditional basic income to all registered members are
° to ensure them a permanent fair and worthy to live income and thus the corresponding purchasing power, even in the event of unemployment and the loss of social backings;
° to offer companies an additional source of income and the chance to keep up or to increase their turnover even in times of crisis;
° to protect all members from a global financial crash
° to support sustainable business, projects, products and services.
1.2. Understanding "GLOBAL"
Both the free receipt as well as the acceptance and any other form of handling the “GLOBAL” is based on a completely voluntary basis for all parties involved, in particular "Private Member", "Business Member", the “Business Premium Member”, the offering person and/or company, its suppliers, partners and employees.
Terms, such as "money", "currency", "bank" or similar, which may from time to time appear in connections with the "GLOBAL" and the unconditional basic income in this terms and conditions, on websites, in different documents, flyers, brochures, as well as in emails, newsletters and in particular in the marketing area (social media, videos, cartoons, etc.) have been and will only be used for better understanding.
The fact is: “GLOBAL”, which is distributed to all people as an unconditional basic income, is solely to understand as a typical cryptocurrency (similar to Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Ripple, etc.) and in particular as an additional, human medium of exchange for the purpose of improving the purchasing power and quality of life of consumers and the chance to keep up for companies.
Besides: “GLOBAL” does also not correspond to any other simple cryptocurrency for crowdfunding (ICO / ITO) and even it is possible, it is not thought for speculation or similar purposes.
1.3 The cryptocurrency GLOBAL - meaning and use
The cryptocurrency GLOBAL, created by the founder of the "Human Ecological Business Holding International Inc." and "Sirius Vision Limited" and initiator of "Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network", offered as unconditional basic income via the web platform "Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network" (easylife.community) and the exchange platform "Global Easylife Community Exchange" (global.easylife.community) to all registered members for free at no time corresponds to a replacement of state currencies, which country and whatever currency.
The GLOBAL, which is distributed to all people as an unconditional basic income, is solely to understand as a typical cryptocurrency (similar to Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Ripple, etc.) and in particular as an additional, human medium of exchange for the purpose of improving the purchasing power and quality of life of consumers and for companies to develop a second source of revenue and especially to be able to successfully continue business in times of crisis (e.g. a global financial crash).
Both the free receipt as well as the acceptance and any other form of handling the GLOBAL is based on on a completely voluntary basis for all parties involved, in particular "Private Member", "Business Member" the company "Human Ecological Business Holding International Inc." and its employees .
If in any statements on the websites of "Human Ecological Business Holding International Inc.", as well as in emails, newsletters and in particular in the marketing area (social media, videos, cartoons, etc.) mention the terms "bank" or "state / national currency", we expressly point out that these terms have been and will only be used for better understanding. The fact is: "Human Ecological Business Holding International Inc." offers a globally applicable, complementary and centrally managed exchange medium.
In addition, GLOBAL does not correspond to another simple cryptocurrency for crowdfunding (ICO / ITO) or similar purposes.
1.4. The cryptocurrency GLOBAL - anonymity and taxes
The blockchain, "GLOBAL UNCONDITIONAL BASIC INCOME", on which the cryptocurrency "GLOBAL" is based corresponds to a centrally managed, distributed network and thus has the usual features of a blockchain, especially anonymity.
Nevertheless, SIRIUS / HEBHI and ELC calculates and settles on all transactions processed via the integrated shop of the web portal, "Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network" (easylife.community) on a user-defined basis (logic) also on GLOBAL, the respective - to be specified by the "Business Member" when inserting an offer , country-specific VAT and transfers this to the "Business Members". The respective "Business Member" is according to the terms of business of SIRIUS / HEBHI and ELC obliged to pay the respective VAT that has been offset and paid to him to the relevant tax office (or a similar, corresponding, competent, public institution).
SIRIUS / HEBHI and ELC completely voluntarily and at regular intervals (depending on the volume, quarterly, half-yearly or annually) informs the responsible state institution of the states in which a business and thus a VAT due date took place, about the respective total VAT amount for the respective period to this country which should have or has to be paid the respective "Business Member".
The respective business transactions behind the notified VAT amounts, especially data of the purchasing Member will not be announced at this time (remain anonymous).
However, if a state office responsible for tax determinde a (essential) difference between the sums which have been announced by SIRIUS / HEBHI or ELC and the actual receipt and communicate this to SIRIUS / HEBHI accordingly, SIRIUS / HEBHI is generally willing (upon official request) to name the respective "Business Member" and, if applicable, the underlying business transactions.
Governments, or responsible central tax offices or similar central institutions responsible for taxes can - also completely free of charge - at any time, but at the latest after first informing a GLOBAL VAT to be paid by a "Business Member" - create an account on the SIRIUS / ELC platform to post all taxes in GLOBAL there (to get it transferred onto this account by the" Business Member").
SIRIUS / HEBHI and ELC don't assume responsibility / liability for taxes levied at the time of the transaction and passed on to the respective "Business Member" but not paid by the latter. SIRIUS / HEBHI and ELC can at no time and under no circumstances be held responsible for omitted tax payments by a "Business Member" (in whatever way). Apart from the issuance and publication of the respective provisions (paragraphs) in this "Terms & Conditions" and the provision of the corresponding form fields for the insertion of offers, SIRIUS / HEBHI and ELC is in no way responsible for any commercial and / or legal misconduct by a member, partner or employee.SIRIUS / HEBHI and ELC rejects all relevant responsibility for which SIRIUS / HEBHI and ELC - according to these "Terms & Conditions" and the legislation valid at company headquarters - is demonstrably not responsible.
1.5. Websites
The following two - for the time being - bilingual (English and German – later on other languages will be implemented/offered) - web portals are generally available for the complete public offering:
° the community, the multi-vendor shop and all other offers, in particular any useful information, are accessible via the web portal called "Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network", ELC.
Main URL: https://easylife.community
° the exchange platform that manages the member accounts and makes them accessible, offers exchange options for the fiat/national and cryptocurrencies accepted by SIRIUS, as well as all transactions. URL: https://global.easylife.community.
1.6. Understanding “Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network” (ELC)
"Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network" (ELC) represents the world's first and only all-in-one community where all users (members) automatically participate in the advertising revenue, receive purchase refunds of up to 80% (in ideal case even 100%), usage rights of shares and more for free. The way to success only needs a simple registration and the invitation of friends as with any other community or similar platform also.
"Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network" (ELC) is a perfect combination of all functions and benefits of well-known social platforms, online mail order companies, blockchains, cryptocurrencies and more.
The key difference: at ELC, members will not only receive a monthly unconditional basic income, they are for the first time fully automatically involved in the financial success of the platform and they become real, co-determining partners as it in fact should be in a fair and reliable social community worth being labeled as such!
All for free, for life and without any additional work and time exposure.
2. Contract Commitment
Each registered person or business expressly shall take note of the fact that these "Terms and Conditions" as well as the remuneration/emolument plan and the permission regulation, accessible on the web site as well as included here represent the basis for optimal cooperation with SIRIUS, HEBHI and all subsidiaries within the bounds of the current contract and statutes. Each registered person or business is strictly bound to these conditions and, with regard to presentation, may only make statements approved by SIRIUS, HEBHI and/or its subsidiaries in writing.
3. Commercial Care & Personal Responsibility
Each registered person and member carries out all private and business transactions independently, especially those related to the marketing of the SIRIUS, HEBHI and/or ELC and the EXCHANGE [(first-time) invitation of friends, respectively new interested parties], the insertion of products or services in the shop or in the "Live Media Shopping Show", the insertion of targeted ads and/or - if offered - classifieds, auctions, crowdfunding requests, as well as the usage and handling of all other offered services, although he/she/it is principally bound to comply with the general SIRIUS and HEBHI terms & conditions as well as other regular guidelines. Each member shall organize himself/herself/itself and pay all external costs and expenses that result from his/her/its membership in active use [e.g. taxes or the (public) charges]. Each member is fully independent and should comply with all legal and tax regulations. SIRIUS, HEBHI and its subsidiaries cannot be held responsible for any administrative and especially tax related and legal faults on the part of the member. The cooperation with SIRIUS and HEBHI, in particular the use of the crypto currency GLOBAL, its acceptance as an alternative means of payment, the exchange, as well as any other form of use, is entirely voluntary.
4. Tabular and Graphical Information
All in these "Terms & Conditions" in tables as well as in graphics contained information, have, if not separately explained, full contractual validity and have to be fully accepted by both contracting parties, SIRIUS, HEBHI and the respective member.
5. SIRIUS / ELC Members
Generally, SIRIUS / ELC distinguish between three member types, the "Private Member", the "Business Member" and the "Business Premium Member".
The "Private Member" is reserved for individuals (all kind of customers, also businesses);
The "Business Member" is for self-employed persons and companies who cooperate with SIRIUS / ELC;
The "Business Premium Member" is an expanded form of the "Business Member" with much more rights and benefits.
The decision as to whether one want to cooperate with SIRIUS / ELC as a "Private Member" or as a "Business Member" must be made directly during the registration.
SIRIUS generally recommends registering as a "Business Member" from the outset, since the sale of a single product or service as a reseller (even possible without inventory and advance costs - see also the detailed explanation under "Start your own business" in the footer menu of the site) is already a success leads.
Every registered person or company always benefits from all the advantages of a "Private Member". Under the heading "Private Member", SIRIUS / ELC understands all those members who do not themselves cooperate in any way with SIRIUS / ELC (eg, offering products or services through the ELC shop) and are therefore particularly interested in the special benefits of the community and the shop.
A „Business Member“ will of course participate in the respective rights of a "Private Member", but is additionally one who produces and/or trades in goods or provides services and is interested in being a permanent partner of SIRIUS / ELC who (will) sell/s products or services in the ELC shop and/or accept the „Purchase Price Refund Card“ of SIRIUS / ELC in his/her own shop(s).
A "Business Premium Member" always has the same permissions as a "Private Member" and a "Business Member", but is additionally entitled to participate in further, more exclusive services.
A later upgrade from "Private Member" to a "Business Member" or from "Business Member" to "Business Premium Member", as well as form of downgrade will be possible at any time. In case a member wish a later upgrade or downgrade a short inquiry by email is sufficient.
In the case of an upgrade to a "Business Premium Member" (more about the comparatively extremely cheap offer package can be read under paragraph PERMISSIONS / 7. Permission Tables below), the respective annual fee for this type of membership in the amount of $ 14,990 (fourteen thousand nine hundred ninety US dollars) must be paid.
In the case of a downgrade from a "Business Premium Member" to one of the other possible member types during an ongoing business year (during the paid year of cooperation) no refund of the payment will take place. In case of any downgrade the respective higher rights (permissions) will be revoked and stored video of a "Live Shopping Show" as well as placed free targeted ads will be removed/deactivated.
Both types of business members cooperate with SIRIUS / ELC either by offering parts or all of their products and/or services in the ELC online shop or accepts the SIRIUS / ELC membership card, respectively the "Purchase Price Refunding Card" in their local shop(s). Both types of business members may also take advantage of both the online shop and the acceptance of the membership card in their shop(s).
If someone who registers as a "Business Member" operates one or more local stores and would like to accept the "Purchase Price Refunding Card" from SIRIUS / ELC in the stores, a simple request by email is sufficient. If the SIRIUS "Purchase Price Refunding Card" is accepted in the local store/s, the "Business Member" will be provided with an own payment terminal.
Both types of business members have two facts to accept, as follows:
On the one hand, all types of business members have to accept our cryptocurrency, GLOBAL, as a means of payment or exchange. In order to make the entry into and continuation of the cooperation easy and fair, only a part of the sales price needs to be accepted in GLOBAL.
This means: for the first 10 (ten) products or services that are insert in the ELC shop, a minimum of 25% of the sales price must be accepted in GLOBAL. From the 11th to the 20th inserted product or service, an acceptance of at least 35% applies in GLOBAL and from the 21st inserted product or service a minimum of 50%.
Whichever percentage of the sales price is accepted in GLOBAL, 25%, 35% or 50%, with a corresponding calculation, the respective business member always and in any case has more money left in the desired fiat / national currency than he has to pay for the purchase, respectively the costs of production. Some calculation examples are explained in detail after registration in the "My Member Menu" under the link "Business Member Help".
On the other hand, both type of business members have to offer and guarantee a special rebate on the part of the sale price offered in fiat / national currency (read more about it at paragraph ### in the following) in the hight of minimum 15% (fiveteen percent) to SIRIUS / ELC.
Also in this regard: despite partial acceptance of GLOBAL, with a reasonable price calculation, the minimum discount of 15% to be granted still leaves higher income in fiat / national currency than the purchase or production costs
Therefore all types of business members will benefit from all the respective marketing opportunities of SIRIUS / ELC and thereby achieve high profit maximization.
5.2. "Business Member" Specials
For cases, means for special industries where 15% (fifteen percent) minimum community discount on all prices offered in fiat-/national currency are definitely NOT possible and another discount is proposed, SIRIUS / ELC will usually - unless it isn't a ridiculous offer - after appropriate consultation (by email) and due to the possibility of a mixed calculation (for the "Purchase Price Refunds") also accept.
If, however, it does not come to an agreement (e.g. due to an actually too small offer, although the industry / industry would allow it), SIRIUS / ELC will reset the respective interested parties to the level of a "Private Member". In case this would happen to a registration of an "Business Premium Member", the possibly already paid fees will be returned immediately (credited to the member account).
Although usually an immediate activation of a business membership will take place and thus give access to the shop and all other services, SIRIUS / ELC will verify the registration and especially the products/services after the registration. In case of any problems, questions or in case SIRIUS / ELC will not accept the interested party or especially the planned offer (the offered products/services) SIRIIUS / ELC will contact the (new) "Business Member" for a detailed clearing up.
Principally, no applicant will be rejected, unless the offer does not meet some required standards. If, despite all efforts, no cooperation can be entered into, the (new) "Business Member" will continue as a "Private Member".
If cooperation does take place, respectively will continue without any necessary clarifications, the necessary measures for acceptance of SIRIUS / ELC membership card and/or the placement of the offer in the online shop must take place within 30 days of the final agreement, respectively final confirmation and administrative release. If the (new) "Business Member" wishes to place offers in the online shop, then he will receive the respective access privileges and instructions, with which he can independently place/insert, change and renew these offers (products/services). After first insertion of products/services in the online shop of ELC any kind of changes, enhancements, updates, removals and/or new additions can be made completely independently at any time.
If SIRIUS / ELC accepts a cooperation, the respective business member automatically accepts
preferably - no obligation but promotionally extremely effective - to place a link or a linked button, linking to the ELC web portal, texted and/or designed and offered by SIRIUS / ELC only - on his own internet site (in case one exists - otherwise free web space as well as complete sites can be offered by SIRIUS / ELC upon request) as well as to implement the same sign in his/her further advertising materials;
that the goods traded, offered or accepted by SIRIUS / ELC may in no case be much more expensive than the standard price or the price offered in an own shop(s). Excepted are short-term special offers, although the SIRIUS / ELC members should naturally also participate in these purchases, and therefore related adjustments even temporary ones - must be made in the online shop. If SIRIUS / ELC find out that the price of a product/service offered by a business member is exceeded on multiple occasions, SIRIUS / ELC, after two warnings, reserve the right to end the cooperation immediately
and especially and utmost important
never (at NO time) to use any member data, e.g. addresses, emails or phone numbers as well as any other data of (a) members(s), forwarded by SIRIUS / ELC for the purpose of product shipments or similiar, for own (marketing) purposes and, for example, to contact (a) respective member(s) by phone, via email (newsletter), printmedia advertising or similar as long as (a) respective member(s) has/have NOT made a direct contact (by himself) and agreed in such approaches.
As long a member not already personally know or don't already have or had direct contact or even invited a "Business Member", any information flow (for example, questions regarding the orders or the like) has to be unwound exclusively via SIRIUS / ELC.
Also, and especially the transfer of member data to third parties whitout any confirmation by the respective member is strictly prohibited.
If SIRIUS / ELC disclose or a member reports such a violation, SIRIUS / ELC not only rejects any legal responsibility, but also cancel this membership with immediate effect and without any continued payment of commissions or similar. In the event of such a breach, the respective "Business Member" acknowledges/declare his independent and solely legal responsibility and hold SIRIUS / ELC and HEBHI legally completely harmless.
6. Member: STEPS - Increase of Emoluments
All forms of memberships, the "Private Member", the "Business Member" as well as the "Business Premium Member" start as BASIC member and will receive the basic emoluments.
This BASIC starting position of each member can - entirely voluntary – be increased by simple onetime invitations of friends or business partners.
All is definitely based on NO WORK and NO SALES! SIRIUS / ELC members just need - as with other social media, communities or networks - to register and to invite friends to join the community.
This increase corresponds to the respective member steps as follows:
° Basic = standard membership (new member immediately after registration);
° Step 1 = standard membership plus one invited friend/partner;
° Step 2 = standard membership plus two invited friends/partners;
° Step 3 = standard membership plus three invited friends/partners;
° Step 4 = standard membership plus four invited friends/partners
° Step 5 = standard membership plus five invited friends/partners.
The higher the respective increase (steps) attained, the higher the percentage of all emoluments.
Not only that a member receive higher percentage of all emoluments the higher the respective step is he attained, for "Business Member" it is very interesting to invite suppliers to become "Business Members" of SIRIUS / ELC. This would lead to the fact that the "Business Member" will receive refunds on his merchandising, work and office equipment, even business investments and simultaneous will get access to thousands of potential clients who are interested in receiving refunds when they shop for products or order services of the "Business Member".
A successful referral (successful invited friend/partner) arises whenever an existing member invites a completely NEW member - a friend who was not (never before) a community member and this person or business register as a new member. Friendship invitations within the community, called "Meeting Point" among existing members are not counted as successful invitation and are not entitlement to any payment.
Each member should successfully invite at least five friends (there is no upper limit) only once to reach the highest level and payments.
Should one of the successful invited members cancel the membership, and the total number of members of the one who invited him will become less than before (only starting from five invited members upwards) he fall back to the next lowest step and of course only receive the respective payments for this step. In such case, a member will be immediately notified and will always have the possibility to invite one or more additional members and regain his previous status.
Placement to lower steps in the program - as long as there is no obvious abuse of the system, by which one or more members recruit members only to meet the higher refunding criteria and then cancel their registrations in the following years - affect only future purchases from the point of this downgrade and not the refund status of previous purchases. Normally, in case of serious cooperation - there is absolutely no retroactive downgrading.
7. PERMISSIONS - Permission Tables
The access and/or placement/insertion rights differ depending on the member type "Private Member", "Business Member" or "Business Premium Member". Both type of business member always have all the rights of a "Private Member" but - of course - receive additional advanced/special rights as shown in both tables below.
Private Member: Access/Permissions | |
Community | Full access - all permissions issued - for life |
Shop(s) | Full shopping access (placement/insertion of own products or services ONLY for "Business Members" and "Business Premium Members") |
Live Shopping Show(s) | Full shopping access (live presentations of own products or services ONLY for "Business Premium Members" or for "Business Members" against separate payment) |
Free Services | If offered of course for free (e.g. free classifieds) |
Usage Rights of Shares | Voting rights and right to the annual dividend for 10 shares (one vote per share) |
News / Blog | Full reader access - upon email inquiry, skills and appropriate suggestion(s) for (a) topic(s) CO-EDITOR and/or BLOGGER rights can be granted. |
Games, Competitions and similar offers | If offered full FREE access - except the in a later episode launched Brain Game World Championship (entry fees) and similar offers which will always be described separately (specifically identified) |
Additional option for private persons, respectively a "Private Member":
SIRIUS / ELC makes it fully risk-free for all "Private Members" possible to become self-employed within the community.
Upon request will SISIUS / ELC provide the by the "Private Member" desired products, offer all the advantages of a "Business Member" and undertake all business transactions from the invoicing to returns to sales taxes and more.
At the end of each month, the respective gross income from sales will be credited to the member account.
In the event of a failure, SIRIUS / ELC will take back all the remaining goods, thus the member will have no risk at all.
In the case of corresponding success, SIRIUS / ELC offers the spin-off and independent establishment of an own company from A-Z at the most favorable conditions.
Business Member: Access/Permissions All "Business Member" and "Business Premium Member" have to offer the Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network a corresponding permanent discount for the price portion of offers to be paid in the wished fiat / national currency. The once agreed / offered discount must have validity for the respective product / service offered in the shop and local stores and must stay valid as long as the respective product / service is offered in the shop. |
General | All rights/permissions of a "Private Member" as listed in the table above |
Community | Full access to all community members no matter what type of member |
Shop(s) | Full unlimited vendor access to the online shop and the right to insert unlimited products and/or services |
Purchase Price Refunding System | Automatical participation in ELC's "Purchase Price Refund System" without any own costs |
Own Purchase Price Refunds | Purchase Price Refunds for all own business/company shopping, including merchandise, work and office equipment - also without any own costs |
Usage Rights of Shares | Voting rights and right to the annual dividend for 50 shares (one vote per share) |
Targeted Advertising | 15% discount (refund) for placement of targeted ads |
Member Information | Automatical notice to all members immediately after setup - ELC will include a company presentation according to transmitted texts |
Community Presentation | Special business listing (company presentation) in the community |
Additional recurring marketing | Different powerful recurring marketing services, e.g. quarterly mention in the newsletter and more |
Spezial option for "Business Member":
Upon request offers ELC all "Business Members" the complete business processing - depending on the request - from the placement of products or services in the shop, over the national, continental to the worldwide dispatch, the billing, the dunning (usually not necessary since all customers pay online and in advance) up to the returns.
"Business Member" may - upon email inquiry: contact [at] easylife [dot] community and approval of the company - increase their membership to "Business PREMIUM Member".
Business Premium Member: Access/Permissions "Business Premium Member" who would like to participate in one or more Live Shopping Shows (to present one or more products / services on one or more of these shows) must offer a special discount (must be above the granted standard community discounts) during the broadcasting period of the show which will usually take about 30 minutes. |
This complete package is chargeable. The annual fee for the "Business PREMIUM Member" is $ 14,990 and is around $ 197,000 cheaper than comparable offers - see also the comparison table (at the end of this paragraph) |
General | All rights/permissions of a "PRIVATE Member" and a "Business Member" as listed in the both tables above |
Targeted Advertising *) |
One free permanentely changable targeted advertising campaign |
25% rebate for all additional targeted advertising campaigns | |
Live Shopping Show(s) **) |
One free participation in a "Live Shopping Show" per year including the free creation of a final promotion video, its posting at the ELC portal and at some other social media sites where ELC is represented at (e.g. YouTube, Google+, Instagram and so on) as well as unlimited own usage rights of the promotion video. Such a one-time full service will normally cost you around $ 212,000 - see also comparison table under "Advantages of a Business Member - Repetition" (at the end of this paragraph). With us, it's automatically included in the $ 14,990 annual fee. |
25% rebate for all additional participations in a "Live Shopping Show" | |
Own Purchase Price Refunds for corporate investments | Purchase Price Refunds for all kinds of business investments (if you handle the financing through us as an intermediary) |
Usage Rights of Shares | Over the term of the "Business PREMIUM Membership" (applies always for one year), voting rights and right to the annual dividend for 15,000 shares otherwise same as the standard "Business Member" for 50 shares (one vote per share). |
* ) Targeted ads can always be displayed / placed at different reserved spaces on the site (selection when designing) and can be changed at any time.
**) Not included in the entitlement to a free live shopping show per year are travel and possible overnight expenses for the video crew (usually 4 persons) in the event of the wish that the live shopping show should be transferred from the own company (always calculated from the respective headquarter of SIRIUS / ELC). Such expenses are offered and settled separately.
Quick and easy cost-benefit comparison belonging our Live Shopping Shows and the final full usage rights of the video: |
Standard service |
Average cost per year |
A simple targeted ad - only for a minimum of 1,000 guaranteed clicks a month - placed on the well-known and mostly used online services - over a year will cost you as little as $ 1,000 per month, or around $ 12,000 per year. As a "Business Premium Member", you can customize your targeted ad and use any number of keywords - all included in our super low annual price! |
$ 12,000 |
The one-off production of a simple promotional video of only around 90 - 120 seconds costs you a minimal amount between $ 5,000 and $ 10,000. A video with a duration of about 10 minutes - how to get one of these (also divisible on request) - costs between $ 50,000 and $ 100,000. This is included in our low annual fee for "Business Premium Member". |
$ 75,000 |
Only ONE minute of airtime for a live broadcast product presentation, including the opportunity to sell on TV or other providers on the Internet costs you in the favorable case around $ 5,000. This results in a "Live Shopping Show" of about 20 - 30 minutes as we broadcast them for you both on the Internet and simultaneously via at least one TV channel a minimum of $ 100,000 to $ 150,000. This too is automatically included as a "Business Premium Member" in our fair annual flat rate. |
$ 125,000 |
With only with these 3 positions we have already reached total average cost of $ 212,000 per year. |
Total $ 212,000 |
This package plus the benefits of our purchase price & investment refund - also for your merchandise - as well as other additional marketing measures and benefits will cost you as our Business Premium Member only $ 14,990*)! As our "Business Premium Member" you'll receive benefits that will make you compete at a stroke with the world's largest corporations with only $ 14,990*) per year - but your competitors will not benefit from the purchase price & investment refund like you! *) Also monthly partial payment possible ($ 5,000 down payment and 12 months each $ 832.50 incl. interest, excluding taxes). |
ONLY $ 14,990 |
Spezial option for "Business Premium Member":
Upon request offers SIRIUS / ELC all "Business Premium Members" the complete business processing - depending on the request - from the placement of products or services in the shop, over the national, continental to the worldwide dispatch, the billing, the dunning (usually not necessary since all customers pay online and in advance) up to the returns.
8. EMOLUMENTS - Emolument Table
All emoluments listed below apply to all member types (Private, Business and Business Premium) equally.
All members, "Private Members", as well as both types of business members who - totally voluntarily - intend to increase the different percentages of the emoluments offered and start inviting new members will achieve higher steps and get higher percentages with each new invited friend up to the maximum of five invited friends, respectively until they reached the step "5" (five) and therefore generate an additional income without work.
Successful Invitations1) | Participation in the advertising revenue | Purchase Price Refund2) |
Immediately after Registration | 10% | 30% |
With one successful invitation | 15% | 40% |
With two successful invitations | 20% | 50% |
With three successful invitations | 25% | 60% |
With four successful invitations | 30% | 70% |
With five successful invitations | 35% | 80% |
1) A successful referral/invitation arises whenever a member invites a person - a friend who was not - never before - a community member (friendship invitations within the community among existing members are not counted as successful invitation).
2) If only one of the successful invitations registers as a "Business Member" - no matter which one, the first, the fourth or possibly later on even the seventh - the inviting member will receive a 100% refund of the purchase price as long as this member works with ELC and offers at least one real product or service in our shop (a registration as "Business Member" without the subsequent insertion (offer) of a product or service in our shop does NOT count as a successfully invited "Business Member" and will NOT result in a 100% refund of purchase prices).
8.1. Participation in the advertising revenue
Each member, who
- insert a photo AND a background image at the Meeting Point;
- complete his profile at the platform and the Meeting Point
and - make a (even if only small) contribution (text, photo, video, etc.) at least once a week
is automatically entitled to receive a progressive increasing participation in the advertising revenue starting with 10% (ten percent) for new BASIC members up to 35% (thirty-five percent for a member who reached step 5.
The calculation of the automatic participation in the advertising revenue is done so that the quarterly advertising revenue is first allocated to the number of registered members (the advertising revenue is divided by the number of members) and the member will receive exact the percentage of the resulting pro-rata share which corresponds to his present member level.
The relevant percentage share of the pro-rata share will be calculated quarterly, always at March 31st, June 30th, September 30th and December 31st and transferred/added on to the member account on the last day of the following month.
8.2. Special Emoluments
For more active - fully voluntary - collaboration of a member, for example in our online newspaper, online radio, online TV or endless novel, a member will get - of course in addition to the usual remuneration - special (higher) emoluments.
We are interested in following forms of collaboration:
Newspaper and radio: any local, national or international news, editorial reports on a variety of topics, professional, technical, economic, financial, environmental, scientific, social, political, and similar novelties and / or developments, sports news, entertainment, tales, comics and similar.
TV: the same news and topics as for the newspaper and the radio (see above) but additionally any kind of shows, soaps, sitcoms, movies, videos and other more.
The endless book, a specialty of SIRIUS / ELC which will be implemented later on and where one author starts with a novel and continues in writing (chapter for chapter). At each new chapter another interested and entitled writer/author can now begin to continue with his own new novel as long as the previous chapters of the other authors match the new ongoing story and so on and on.
Thus not only causes in an endless novel, but also opens all (new, young) authors the chance to earn money already during the writing (quasi beginning with the first chapter).
Games/Software: any kind of online games, especially multiplayer games as well as different software developments are welcome.
Caution - important disclaimer: we definitely are not interested in and will not publish/implement erotic, pornographic, morally offensive, racist content (articles/segments) and war games!
A registered member who's interested in such a form of collaboration may use our contact form (the contact according to the cooperation wish/project, newspaper, radio, tv, book) and tell us about his wish/project.
After SIRIUS / ELC received such an iquiry, SIRIUS / ELC will get back in touch with with the member within about five workdays and agree a detailed online meeting/discussion.
In case SIRIUS / ELC agrees in a(n) idea/concept/project, the member will get the allowance to start right away.
The additional special emoluments for such a collaboration:
SIRIUS / ELC offers two options that can even come to fruition at the same time.
Congenial to the segment/story/game SIRIUS / ELC will place advertisements in the respective news/reports (newspaper), on the pages (book) or commercials during the broadcasts (radio or TV), in/onto the game or similar and the member will receive - in addition to the general participation in our advertising revenue - 20% of the respective insertion(s).
Of course more than only one insertion can take place during one broadcast or in one novel/report, what would grant the member multiple commissions.
As an entitled editor, broadcaster, author, game developer or similar a member is also entitled to market/sell his own advertising/commercials and SIRIUS / ELC will insert it in the respective article/segment/game.
For example - just as ideas:
A member may contact companies who offer exact the service(s)/product(s)/invention(s) or similar he is writing about in our newspaper and offer the possibility to advertise with him.
A member may broadcast his own news or show in a nice bar, a restaurant, a hotel, a leisure facility, at any kind of special event and not only sell commercials to the respective operator/manager/organizer, but to most of all cooperating, matching or local businesses and much more.
Both above described options, multiple insertions from the side of ELC as well as those the member sold can be placed at the same time.
8.3. Emoluments, member account & use of credit
Any form of emolument belonging to the participation in the advertising revenue and the purchase price refunding will be credited always and exclusively to the respective member account in US dollars onto the member account of the exchange portal of SIRIUS / ELC.
The respective amounts, respectively the members account is accessible for each member via the exchange portal of SIRIUS / ELC and can be viewed there.
Emoluments are always either automatically and immediately after entering a due date or manually within five business days after the occurrence added to the respective member account (balance).
Any complaints will only be treated by SIRIUS / ELC when they are notified within a maximum of 30 (thirty) days after the due date (in accordance with these Terms & Conditions) by email.
Complaints of alleged discrepancies which may date back longer than 30 (thirty) days unfortunately can not be considered anymore and/or processed.
The resulting, respectively accounted total assets of a member (account) may at any time be used for any other/further purchases at/via ELC or the use of other offers/service of SIRIUS / ELC as well as exchanged to other crypto or national currencies and/or withdrawn.
8.4. Effect of all remuneration
By the means of all emoluments it is possible for a member to create a secondary or even chief income as well as a secondary or even chief pension as long as his membership maintains, if he want so for life. All only through one-time marketing for SIRIUS / ELC, means: the one-time invitation of friends. There exist no limits, a member may invite as much friends as he wants.
If a member's membership continued until his death, his heirs are entitled to continuing commission payments. A member just has to invite four to five (or more) friends once and he will leave behind an interesting inheritance for your heirs.
9. PURCHASE PRICE REFUND - Function of the System
On all purchases made, respectively paid in fiat/ national currency (not for payments with GLOBAL), we offer up to 80%, in the ideal case even 100% purchase price refund.
This does not only apply to our online shop, our "Live Shopping Shows" and in local stores of one of our business members, but is also possible whatever, whenever, wherever you shop and how high the price may be1)!
The "Purchase Price Refund System" works completely automatically in the background - Members have nothing to do!
After every purchase in our shop, during one of our "Live Shopping Shows" or in a local store of one of our listed "Business Member" and partly or fully payment in a fiat / national currency the higher part of the mandatory to be granted discount by our "Business Members" and "Business Premium Members" will automatically be transferred and added to our "Purchase Price Refund System".
Member determine the amount (percentage) of the purchase price refunds by themselves. Each Member start with the right to 30% purchase price refunds. With every new member an extisting Member invite to SIRIUS / ELC and who follows the invitation, the percentage of the inviting Member increase. If only five new members followed the invitation, a Member already have the right to 80% purchase price refunds. If one of the invited is self-employed or a company and register as a "Business Member" or "Business PREMIUM Member", a Member have reached the maximum of 100% purchase price refunds.
Important information for self-employed persons and companies:
Everyone can register as a "Business Member" or apply for a "Business PREMIUM Member" (after successful registration as "Business Member") at any time, and everyone will already benefit from our purchase price refunds - whitout paying only a simgle cent for this. We carry out our purchase price refund system ourselves!
By the way, the purchase price refund also apply for "Business Member" for all merchandise and for "Business PREMIUM Member" also business investments as long as they are made/paid in a fiat / national currency as long as it is processed through us.
1) If a member wish to purchase a product or service - whichever he prefer - which is not offered by SIRIUS / ELC, he can simply send us a request via your member menu. To do so, a member has to name the product or service and possibly the dealer / supplier where he wish to purchase this product or service.
We then contact the dealer / vendor the member named and recruit him (the company) as our "Business Member". If he (the company) cooperates with us, the member can purchase the desired product or the desired service from our platform within a few days and: he immediately profit from the purchase price refunding in case it is to pay in fiat / national currency.
By the way: if the dealer / vendor mentioned by a member would not cooperate with us (as a "Business Member" or "Business PREMIUM Member"), then we automatically suggest another dealer / vendor (who cooperates with us) or we ourselves offer the product or the corresponding service desired within only a few days in our shop.
9.1. Function the purchase price refund
The actual implementation of our "Purchase Price Refund" system is not quite as simple as shown here. This basic explanation merely provides a simple answer to the question of how a purchase price refund of up to 80%, ideally even 100% of the purchase price can work.
- MOST IMPORTANT: The "Purchase Price Refund" ONLY applies to shopping, respectively payments made in a FIAT / NATIONAL CURRENCY - not to shopping and payments in GLOBAL.
- The "Purchase Price Refund" program is done automatically!
- The "Purchase Price Refund" program has been conceived and developed for clever and long-term thinking / calculating members who want to achieve not only the highest possible profit but also a significant contribution to our environment.
The "Purchase Price Refunds" are based on the "Re-Investment" program, which was developed by the founder of SIRIUS / HEBHI and ELC as early as 1986 and was tested both by mathematical faculties of various universities as well as by investment groups. In other words, starting with the second year after purchase, it is carried out in the form of annually increasing partial amounts until the corresponding percentage (up to 80%, ideally 100%) is completely refunded.
The complete reimbursement of the respective percentage is made in accordance with current economic conditions (2020) within around 10 years.
Members should just think about what they would prefer, to get a few percent discount immediately (which are usually not significant), or in the long term up to 80%, ideally even 100% of the investment back? The answer should be perfectly clear: the SIRIUS / ELC purchase price refund program!
From the profit we achieve a part is, starting with the second year after adding a rebate to the "Purchase Price Refunding" program, permanently (annually) paid to the members and another part flows back in the form of renewed investments, developing into steadily increasing capital. In other words: with one and the same investment sum, we lay claim to more and more of the company's turnovers each year and the returns increase accordingly.
Members do not have to wait 10 years for their money. It is possible to use every annual credit / tranche immediately (starting with the first credit / installment) for new purchases or to request cashout of the respective amount in cash.
For legal purposes, it is forbidden for SIRIUS / HEBHI and ELC (for any other company and / or organization other than banks and similar financial institutions too) to provide guarantees on the amount of the annual tranches and the length of the reimbursement.
However, SIRIUS / HEBHI and ELC guarante in any case that regardless of the amount of annual tranches and the duration of the"Purchase Price Refund" program, the respective percentage of up to 80% (ideally even 100%) of the purchase price will be refunded. In principle, the "Purchase Price Refund" program runs until the customer has returned the corresponding amount.
As can be read below, a 100% purchase price refund is definitely possible within about 10 years. It might be possible earlier, but for safety and reliability reasons, however, we always talk and write about an approximate amortization period of 10 (ten) years.
Example of a possible refund of a purchase price over 10 = years (with a purchase price of $ 1,000 and the ideal case of 100% refunding):
Year after purchase |
Approx. refund in $ |
1 | - |
2 | 10 |
3 | 25 |
4 | 50 |
5 | 75 |
6 | 100 |
7 | 150 |
8 | 170 |
9 | 200 |
10 | 220 |
Total | 1,000 |
The most important fact for "Business Members" and "Business Premium Members" is: SIRIUS / ELC does not calculate the international "Business Members" and "Business Premium Members" a single cent for carrying out the complete "Purchase Price Refund" program. The access to and the enormous advantages of the program is completely free for all business members. The program works completely automatically in the background and is based solely on the discounts granted.
9.2. Free Shopping
Sometimes SIRIUS / ELC announces/advertises or is talking about: "Free Shopping".
Even a purchase price refund of 100%, what will take place in some cases (achievement of minimum five successful invited fully new, not yet registered members and one of it a "Business Member") means "Free Shopping", after careful reading about our "Purchase Price Refunding" program one may think/argue that the purchase price is only refunded in increasing amounts over a period of about ten years, so SIRIUS / HEBHI and ELC should not announce and/or talk about "Free Shopping".
To handle such or similar objections we designed a helpful hint in the form of an easily understandable example.
Assuming a member will constantly shop every single year for an average of about $ 1,000 (using our refunding system), following will happen:
Attention: in the following table we also - as a matter of safety and reliability - use an example with an amortization within 10 (ten) years, even it is definitely possible to reach this earlier - read more about below.
Year | The member shops for $ |
Approx. refunds this year |
Total refunds this year in $ |
1 | 1,000 | - | - |
2 | 1,000 | From 1st year $10 | 10 |
3 | 1,000 | From 1st year $25 From 2nd year $10 |
35 |
4 | 1,000 | From 1st year $50 From 2nd year $25 From 3rd year $10 |
85 |
5 | 1,000 | From 1st year $75 From 2nd year $50 From 3rd year $25 From 4th year $10 |
160 |
6 | 1,000 | From 1st year $100 From 2nd year $75 From 3rd year $50 From 4th year $25 From 5th year $10 |
260 |
7 | 1,000 | From 1st year $150 From 2nd year $100 From 3rd year $75 From 4th year $50 From 5th year $25 From 6th year $10 |
410 |
8 | 1,000 | From 1st year $170 From 2nd year $150 From 3rd year $100 From 4th year $75 From 5th year $50 From 6th year $25 From 7th year $10 |
580 |
9 | 1,000 | From 1st year $200 From 2nd year $170 From 3rd year $150 From 4th year $100 From 5th year $75 From 6th year $50 From 7th year $25 From 8th year $10 |
780 |
10 | 1,000 | From 1st year $220 From 2nd year $200 From 3rd year $170 From 4th year $150 From 5th year $100 From 6th year $75 From 7th year $50 From 8th year $25 From 9th year $10 |
1,000 |
Total refund after 10 years | 3,320 |
As can be seen, the member has not only already received $ 3,320 in refunds by the 10th year, but beginning with the 10th year he will get approximately the same amount back what he annually shop for.
But this is only a simple standard example. In case one will purchase a car, some furniture within such a ten-year process via SIRIUS / ELC he would have reached an annual refund of already some thousand dollars.
That's why SIRIUS / ELC of course may and will announce and/or talk about: "Free Shopping".
9.3. Implementation of the "Purchase Price Refund" and "Re-Investment" program
Discounts which are added to the "Purchase Price Refund" program are collected in an ECO investment pool until a relevant sum is reached. | ![]() |
If a significant amount has been collected in such an ECO investment pool, a (smaller) part of the amount will be invested securely (land and real estate) for the amortization in in the long term (approx. 25 years). The larger amount is always invested in several different new human-ecological, biological or otherwise sustainable projects. It is important to note that we do not undertake any common investments such as shares, funds, etc., but always participate directly in projects. We exclusively participate in projects with which a reverse merger, or an initial public offering in the USA (US IPO - min. according REG A / Tier I or Tier II) and/or a coin/token issue (ICO/ITO) can be carried out within a very short period of time and we always buy in at a considerable discount. As a result and in contrast to conventional investments we are able to achieve much higher profits (similar or even higher than venture capital companies) than with any standard investment else in a relatively secure manner already within shortest possible periods. In most cases, we implement a combination of REVERSE MERGER or IPO AND ICO / ITO, which ensures a much higher and faster return on investment. |
![]() |
After the REVERSE MERGER or IPO / ICO / ITO we obtain correspondingly high profits by the disposal of a portion of our shares (for example, our initial investment) from which now a part will be paid to the members as "Purchase Price Refunding" and the another part will be kept to generate annual dividends and to profit in the increase value. The rest of the profit will flow into another new ECO investment pool. | ![]() |
This is now continued continuously. In the second step, profits and "Re-Investments" are already made from two investment pools and again the larger part will flow into a next, third pool, etc., etc. In this way, through this "Re-Investment" system SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC and therefore indirectly every member who automatically participate in the "Purchase Price Refund" program is taking part in more and more ECO companies and thus also receives higher returns every year. This results in the annual increase of the "Purchase Price Refund".
9.4. Permanent decrease of the "Purchase Price Refunding" for NON-SUSTAINABLE products/service
As can be read at §17 Our Philosophy, SIRIUS / HEBHI and ELC are mainly interested to force the production, respectively the submission, the demand, the trade and the sale of sustainable products and/or service.
For fairness reasons and to offer all business, especially our business members the opportunity to adapt/change their assortment/offer, however, we allow all entrepreneurs and companies (business member) under SIRIUS / ELC to be providing products / services via ELC.
But, starting two years after release, exactly with December 1st, 2022, we will permanently and regularly (every second year) reduce the percentage of our "Purchase Price Refunding" program for products and/or service which can not be classified as sustainable and which are sufficiently available in sustainable form by 10% (ten percent). This belongs only to for products and/or service which are sufficiently available in sustainable form.
This reduction, executed per December 1st, 2022 first time, in the future will always take place in minimum intervals of twentyfour month of exact 10% (in words: ten percent) at a time.
Every member, especially business members accept this regulation and therefore the corporate objective of without any subsequent objection. Already purchased products and/or service will never be affected of such reduction. Members will be informed about steps in this matter which will only become effective for future shopping. In case a member will not agree in such a reduction he might cancel the membership at any time and without prior notice.
10. Usage rights of stocks
Beside the automatically participation in the advertising revenue, the pruchase price refunds, the unconditional basic income and all the other granted benefits, each member will - in addition to the usual benefits - receive free usage rights of stocks (the right to vote and the right to receive the annual dividend) worth $100 (one hundred United States Dollars) for the "Private Member", $500 (five hundred United States Dollars) for the "Business Member" and $2,000 (two thousand United States Dollar) for the "Business Premium Member".
The shares are available to the member exclusively for usage, but never go (at no time) in its possession. The member will receive a certificate with regards to the issued usage rights.
This form of additional co-determination and the corresponding right to the annual dividend will only apply after completion of the planned US reverse merger and the final listing of the "Reporting Company" on the US stock exchange (planned for the 2nd half of 2021). Depending on the economic and legal situation and possibilities, we also reserve the right not to implement this offer in the end. Members who have already registered before this point in time give their full consent to the possibility of non-implementation with their registration and in the event of this refrain from a subsequent objection. Members already registered will receive notification of non-implementation or the date of validity by email.
We are already in the midst of the greatest social, economic and political upheavals since the Industrial Revolution (mid-18th to early 19th century) and we have to react to it in good time.
Due to many interacting and potentiating factors such as digitization, robotics, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, the environmental and climate situation, as well as the related financial and social problems and the resulting politics all of ours professional and private life will completely change.
Therefore, more and more farsighted experts are demanding an unconditional basic income for all.
Unfortunately, broad public opinion on this matter is due to misunderstandings are very divided and the policy reacts as usual to first to the desires of large corporations and generally too hesitant.
That's why the founder and director of HEBHI and SIRIUS, Mr. Mario Eduard Giovanelli decided to create a solution which would it make possible to pay all people worldwide an UNCONDITIONALLY BASIC INCOME.
The use of it should not only be totally free for life, but especially protect all from the biggest global problems that await us tomorrow.
The blockchain technology and the possibility of creating a cryptocurrency based on it made this realizable all at once. And who says that such a cryptocurrency cannot be distributed to everyone completely free of cost and effort.
As a result, he developed the blockchain, "GLOBAL UNCONDITIONAL BASIC INCOME" and the cryptocurrency "GLOBAL" (Trade Code XGB) based on it.
Through the completely free distribution of the "GLOBAL" in the form of a monthly unconditional basic income to everyone
° all people are guaranteed a permanent income and thus the corresponding purchasing power, even in the event of unemployment and loss of social support;
° all companies provided with an additional source of income and the opportunity to keep successful business going even in periods of crisis;
° all are protected from a global financial crash
and at the same time
° the promotion of sustainable companies, projects, products and services is given.
HEBHIs, SIRIUSs and ELCs mission and vision are to attract as many people as possible, as fast as possible and of course worldwide to indirectly assist in the urgent necessity to do all for a clean environment and a human and social future world while combining the pleasant with the profitable.
It is our dream that as many people as possible will follow this approach, so that it will come true.
11.1. The blockchain "GLOBAL UNCONDITIONAL BASIC INCOME" and the crypto currency "GLOBAL" (Trade Code: XGB)
Technical Specification
Coin Name: GLOBAL
Trade Code: XGB
Platform: Stellar Blockchain fork*)
Total Supply: 900B
Number of decimal points: 2
Exchange Coin Price: Fixed by the value of 1gm gold
A GLOBAL always equals the value of ONE GRAM GOLD.
One gram of gold (as of end of November 2020) is around $ 57.50.
The current value of gold can be found, for example on KITCO >> or Prokeraia >>
Gold is the safest value in the world. This especially in case of a global financial crash.
Nevertheless, the gold price also fluctuates slightly.
Therefore, the ultimate value of our GLOBAL and thus of your UNCONDITIONAL BASICL INCOME in the desired national currency is always slightly different, but we protect our members against a financial crash and against a drop in the gold price.
Means: If the gold price falls five percent (5%) below the last maximum value, the GLOBAL is frozen at this value.
If the gold price rises above the last maximum value, the GLOBAL automatically adjusts itself to the current gold value.
Network consensus algorithm: Proof of Stake*)
Block Generation: 2 - 5 seconds
*) More about the Stellar Blockchain can be read in the appendix of our "White Paper"
Please note that the following part of the terms and conditions will also be published separately, for example in the shop again, possibly even several times.
For this reason, this paragraph is formulated in great detail and terms are occasionally repeated that are already mentioned in paragraphs before or afterwards.
12. Terms and Conditions for the shop and the "Live Shopping Shows"
These terms and conditions (for the shop and the "Live Shopping Shows") can also be viewed separately in the shop itself, respectively in the processing of the order.
Since only registered members can buy products and/or order services in the shop and on the occasion of a "Live Shopping Show", respectively every desired purchase first requires the registration as a member, it goes without saying that the ELC terms and conditions for the shop and the "Live Shopping Shows" always are a legal part of the general business conditions of ELC.
The "General Terms & Conditions" of ELC will legally always stay above other additional terms, eg. those for the shop and the "Live Shopping Shows". In other words, the terms and conditions for the ELC shop and the "Live Shopping Shows" are subordinated to the "General Terms & Conditions" of ELC.
If you read these conditions for the shop and the "Live Shopping Shows" via the shop itself, e.g. at the end of a purchase when paying, we strongly recommend that you also read our GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS.
The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.
For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions:
Affiliate means an entity that controls, is controlled by or is under common control with a party, where "control" means ownership of 50% or more of the shares, equity interest or other securities entitled to vote for election of directors or other managing authority.
Account means a unique account created for a member to access our Service or parts of our service.
Country refers to either Ireland or USA (depending on the company mentioned)
Company (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us", "Our", "SIRIUS" or "ELC" in this Agreement) refers to Sirius Vision Limited, COLIEMORE HOUSE, COLIEMORE ROAD, DALKEY, CO. DUBLIN, A96 A8D5, IRELAND and , "HEBHI" refers to Human Ecological Business Holding International, 90 STATE ST STE 700, Office 40 Albany, NY 12207, USA.
Content refers to content such as text, images, or other information that can be posted, uploaded, linked to or otherwise made available by a member, regardless of the form of that content.
Device means any device that can access the Service such as a computer, a cellphone or a digital tablet.
Feedback means feedback, innovations or suggestions sent by a member regarding the attributes, performance or features of our Service.
Goods refer to the items offered for sale on the Service.
Orders mean a request by a member to purchase Goods from Us.
Promotions refer to contests, sweepstakes or other promotions offered through the Service.
Service refers to the Website, Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network or Global Easy Life Community Exchange.
Terms and Conditions (also referred as "Terms") mean these Terms and Conditions that form the entire agreement between a member and the Company regarding the use of the Service.
Third-party Social Media Service means any services or content (including data, information, products or services) provided by a third-party that may be displayed, included or made available by the Service.
Website refers to Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network, accessible from https://easylife.community or Global Easy Life Community Exchange, accessible from https://global.easylife.community
Member/s means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.
12.1. Acknowledgment
These are the Terms and Conditions governing especially the use of our online shop and the "Live Shopping Shows" (Service) and the agreement that operates between a member and the Company. These Terms and Conditions set out the rights and obligations of all members regarding the use of the shop and the "Live Shopping Shows" (Service).
Member access to and use of the Service is conditioned on members acceptance of and compliance with these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply to all visitors, members and others who access or use the Service.
By accessing or using the Service all have to agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If visitors, members and others who access or use the Service disagree with any part of these Terms and Conditions then they may not access the Service.
All, visitors, members and others who access or use the Service, represent that they are over the age of 18. The Company does not permit those under 18 to use the Service.
Access to and use of the Service is also conditioned on visitors, members and others who access or use the Service acceptance of and compliance with the Privacy Policy of the Company. Our Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of personal information when one use the Application or the Website and tells about the privacy rights and how the law protects all. Please read Our Privacy Policy carefully before using Our Service.
12.2. Placing Orders for Goods
By placing an Order for Goods through the Service, member warrant that they are legally capable of entering into binding contracts.
12.3. Members Information
If a member wish to place an Order for Goods available on the Service, especially if not all data have been completed upon registration or afterwards, he may be asked to supply certain information relevant to the members Order including, without limitation, members name, members email, members phone number, and possibly (if not paid via the exchange platform) members credit card number, the expiration date of members credit card, members billing address, and shipping information.
A Member represent and warrant that: (i) he have the legal right to use any credit or debit card(s) or other payment method(s) in connection with any Order; and that (ii) the information he supply to us is true, correct and complete.
By submitting such information, members grant us the right to provide the information to payment processing third parties for purposes of facilitating the completion of the Order.
12.4. Order Cancellation
We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any Order at any time for certain reasons including but not limited to:
Goods availability
Errors in the description or prices for Goods
Errors in the Order
We reserve the right to refuse or cancel an Order if fraud or an unauthorized or illegal transaction is suspected.
12.5. Members Order Cancellation Rights
Any Goods a member purchase can only be returned in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and Our Cancellation clause.
Our Returns Policy, respectively Cancelation clause forms a part of these Terms and Conditions. Please read our Cancellation claus at the beginning of our general terms and conditions to learn more about the right to cancel an Order.
The right to cancel an Order only applies to Goods that are returned in the same condition as a member received them. Members should also include all of the products instructions, documents and wrappings. Goods that are damaged or not in the same condition as a member received them or which are worn simply beyond opening the original packaging will not be refunded. A member should therefore take reasonable care of the purchased Goods while they are in his possession.
We will reimburse members no later than 14 days from the day on which We receive the returned Goods. We will use the same means of payment as the member used for the Order, usually via our exchange platform, and a member will not incur any fees for such reimbursement.
Members will not have any right to cancel an Order for the supply of any of the following Goods:
The supply of Goods made to members specifications or clearly personalized.
The supply of Goods which according to their nature are not suitable to be returned, deteriorate rapidly or where the date of expiry is over.
The supply of Goods which are not suitable for return due to health protection or hygiene reasons and were unsealed after delivery.
The supply of Goods which are, after delivery, according to their nature, inseparably mixed with other items.
The supply of digital content (e.g. music, e-book, or similar) which is not supplied on a tangible medium if the performance has begun with members prior express consent and the member have acknowledged his loss of cancellation right.
12.6. Availability, Errors and Inaccuracies
We are constantly updating Our offerings of Goods on the Service. The Goods available on Our Service may be mispriced, described inaccurately, or unavailable, and we may experience delays in updating information regarding our Goods on the Service and in Our advertising on other websites.
We cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information, including prices, product images, specifications, availability, and services. We reserve the right to change or update information and to correct errors, inaccuracies, or omissions at any time without prior notice.
12.7. Prices Policy
The Company and it's business members reserves the right to revise its prices at any time prior to accepting an Order.
The prices quoted may be revised by the Company and/or it's business members subsequent to accepting an Order in the event of any occurrence affecting delivery caused by government action, variation in customs duties, increased shipping charges, higher foreign exchange costs and any other matter beyond the control of the Company. In that event, a member will have the right to cancel Your Order.
In our special case, the prices are usually partially or fully charged in our own crypto currency GLOBAL. In the case of partial prices, part of the price is always given in GLOBAL and part in fiat / national currency (usually in US dollars).
The partial / split prices are either
and fully voluntarily
25% GLOBAL and 75% Fiat / state currency
35% GLOBAL and 65% Fiat / state currency
50% GLOBAL and 50% Fiat / state currency
or even more up to
100% GLOBAL and NO Fiat / state currency
12.8. Payments
All Goods purchased are subject to a one-time payment.
In our special case, the payment is usually always made via our exchange platform.
This means that both GLOBAL and the corresponding fiat / state currency (usually US dollars) should be on the member accounts of the exchange platform.
When processing, i.e. completing a purchase via the "Shopping Cart", the system automatically queries the respective member accounts on the exchange platform. If there is enough GLOBAL and enough fiat / national currency on the member accounts, the purchase will be completed automatically.
If either GLOBAL is missing in relation to the purchase price or there is insufficient fiat / national currency on the member account, the purchase will not take place. A corresponding message is issued (accounts not sufficiently covered). In the latter case, the member can top up his fiat / state currency account accordingly and possibly also buy GLOBAL with the fiat / state money and then return to the shopping cart.
Sometimes, in very special cases, payment can also be made through various payment methods we have available, such as Visa, MasterCard, Affinity Card, American Express cards or online payment methods (PayPal, for example).
Payment cards (credit cards or debit cards) are subject to validation checks and authorization by the members card issuer. If we do not receive the required authorization, We will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery of an Order.
12.9. Promotions
Any Promotions made available through the Service may be governed by rules that are separate from these Terms.
If a member participate in any Promotions, he should review the applicable rules as well as our Privacy policy. If the rules for a Promotion conflict with these Terms, the Promotion rules will apply.
12.10. Delivery times
In order to save our members costs and to be able to offer our products and services as cheaply as possible, we hardly have any stocks. Therefore, our delivery times can be a little longer than usual. In the interest of lower prices all members are adviced to understand, agree, order early and act patient.
12.11. Live Shopping Shows
Our "Live Shopping Shows" serve our "Business Members" to present both their company and their products or services, especially innovations, in a live show.
These "Live Shopping Shows" are not only broadcast live on the Internet via our platform, but are - in the future - also broadcast in cooperation with various TV channels.
In the future, from around mid-2021, we will be offering approximately one "Live Shopping Show" per week. Later on, depending on requirements, even more, up to one daily "Live Shopping Show" (in different languages).
In principle, the same requirements apply to all members who make purchases in the course of a "Live Shopping Show" as when shopping in the standard shop. This applies to both the checkout process and payment via our exchange platform.
The only exception: as a rule, the products or services presented during a "Live Shopping Show" are offered somewhat cheaper than in the standard shop.
"Business Members" who are interested in participating in a "Live Shopping Show" must first expand / upgrade their membership to the "Business PREMIUM Member" and pay the corresponding annual fee.
For the respective organizers or providers, namely "Business PREMIUM Members", a completely separate, individual contract for participation in a "Live Shopping Show" will be arranged.
13. User Accounts
When a member register and create an account with SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC, especially at the exchange platform, he must provide information that is accurate, complete, and current at all times. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of the Terms, which may result in immediate termination of a member account and our Service.
A member is responsible for safeguarding the password that he use to access the Service and for any activities or actions under his password, whether his password is with our Service or a Third-Party Social Media Service.
Members agree not to disclose their password to any third party. Member must notify SIRIUS / HEBHI or ELC immediately upon becoming aware of any breach of security or unauthorized use of his account.
Members may not use as a username the name of another person or entity or that is not lawfully available for use, a name or trademark that is subject to any rights of another person or entity other than theirs without appropriate authorization, or a name that is otherwise offensive, vulgar or obscene.
14.1. Members Right to Post Content
Our Service allows members to post Content. Members are responsible for the Content that Members post to the Service, including its legality, reliability, and appropriateness.
By posting Content to the Service, members grant Us the right and license to use, modify, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce, and distribute such Content on and through the Service. Members retain any and all of their rights to any Content they submit, post or display on or through the Service and members are responsible for protecting those rights. members agree that this license includes the right for Us to make their Content available to other users of the Service, who may also use members Content subject to these Terms.
Members represent and warrant that: (i) the Content is theirs (they own it) or members have the right to use it and grant Us the rights and license as provided in these Terms, and (ii) the posting of members Content on or through the Service does not violate the privacy rights, publicity rights, copyrights, contract rights or any other rights of any person.
14.2. Content Restrictions
SIRIUS / HEBHI and ELC are not responsible for the content of the Service's users. Members expressly understand and agree that they are solely responsible for the Content and for all activity that occurs under their account, whether done so by them or any third person using their account.
Members may not transmit any Content that is unlawful, offensive, upsetting, intended to disgust, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable. Examples of such objectionable Content include, but are not limited to, the following:
Unlawful or promoting unlawful activity.
Defamatory, discriminatory, or mean-spirited content, including references or commentary about religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, national/ethnic origin, or other targeted groups.
Spam, machine – or randomly – generated, constituting unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, chain letters, any other form of unauthorized solicitation, or any form of lottery or gambling.
Containing or installing any viruses, worms, malware, trojan horses, or other content that is designed or intended to disrupt, damage, or limit the functioning of any software, hardware or telecommunications equipment or to damage or obtain unauthorized access to any data or other information of a third person.
Infringing on any proprietary rights of any party, including patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, right of publicity or other rights.
Impersonating any person or entity including the Company and its employees or representatives.
Violating the privacy of any third person.
False information and features.
SIRIUS / ELC reserves the right, but not the obligation, to, in its sole discretion, determine whether or not any Content is appropriate and complies with this Terms, refuse or remove this Content. SIRIUS / ELC further reserves the right to make formatting and edits and change the manner any Content. SIRIUS / ELC can also limit or revoke the use of the Service if a member post such objectionable Content. As SIRIUS / ELC cannot control all content posted by users and/or third parties on the Service, members agree to use the Service at their own risk. Members understand that by using the Service they may be exposed to content that they may find offensive, indecent, incorrect or objectionable, and members agree that under no circumstances will SIRIUS / ELC be liable in any way for any content, including any errors or omissions in any content, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of your use of any content.
14.3. Content Backups
Although regular backups of Content are performed, SIRIUS / ELC do not guarantee there will be no loss or corruption of data.
Corrupt or invalid backup points may be caused by, without limitation, Content that is corrupted prior to being backed up or that changes during the time a backup is performed.
SIRIUS / ELC will provide support and attempt to troubleshoot any known or discovered issues that may affect the backups of Content. But members acknowledge that SIRIUS / ELC has no liability related to the integrity of Content or the failure to successfully restore Content to a usable state.
Members agree to maintain a complete and accurate copy of any Content in a location independent of the Service.
14.4.Copyright Policy
14.4.1. Intellectual Property Infringement
We respect the intellectual property rights of others. It is Our policy to respond to any claim that Content posted on the Service infringes a copyright or other intellectual property infringement of any person.
If members are a copyright owner, or authorized on behalf of one, and they believe that the copyrighted work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement that is taking place through the Service, members must submit notice in writing to the attention of our copyright agent via email at and include in the notice a detailed description of the alleged infringement.
Members may be held accountable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) for misrepresenting that any Content is infringing their copyright.
14.4.2. DMCA Notice and DMCA Procedure for Copyright Infringement Claims
Members may submit a notification pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) by providing our Copyright Agent with the following information in writing (see 17 U.S.C 512(c)(3) for further detail):
An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright's interest.
A description of the copyrighted work that members claim has been infringed, including the URL (i.e., web page address) of the location where the copyrighted work exists or a copy of the copyrighted work.
Identification of the URL or other specific location on the Service where the material that members claim is infringing is located.
Members address, telephone number, and email address.
A statement by the member that the member has a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
A statement by the member, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in Your notice is accurate and that You are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.
Members can contact our copyright agent via email at . Upon receipt of a notification, SIRIUS / ELC will take whatever action, in its sole discretion, it deems appropriate, including removal of the challenged content from the Service.
14.5. Intellectual Property
The Service and its original content (excluding Content provided by members or other users), features and functionality are and will remain the exclusive property of SIRIUS / ELC and its licensors.
The Service is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws of both the Country and foreign countries.
Our trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service without the prior written consent of the Company.
15. Members Feedback to Us
Members assign all rights, title and interest in any Feedback they provide SIRIUS / ELC. If for any reason such assignment is ineffective, members agree to grant SIRIUS / ELC a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty free, worldwide right and license to use, reproduce, disclose, sub-license, distribute, modify and exploit such Feedback without restriction.
Every member, private persons and companies alike, have to inform at least one trusted, close person or a leading employee of his / her registration and the receipt of the unconditional basic income. This should preferably be done in writing, especially in companies.
If a private person who is registered as a member and receives our unconditional basic income dies, the person informed in this way must report this IMMEDIATELY by email with confirmation of receipt or by standard letter post to SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC.
In the event of the cessation of business or the bankruptcy of a company that cooperates with SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC as a "Business Member" or "Business PREMIUM Member", the informed employee has to do so IMMEDIATELY by email with confirmation of receipt or by standard mail and report it to SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC.
A report made in this way is only valid or accepted by SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC if SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC has sent a corresponding response to the sender.
If such a death, discontinuation or bankruptcy report is not made and if the unconditional basic income is still being drawn from SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC, this constitutes a criminal offense of fraud.
As soon as SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC learns of such a circumstance in any way and no verifiable report has been made, meaning no confirmation of receipt from SIRIUS / HEHBI / ELC can be presented, SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC will immediately file a criminal complaint with the competent court and the whole amount that was withdrawn after the death, cessation or bankruptcy of the company is due in converted fiat / national currency. In the event of non-payment, SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC will immediately carry out the execution and possibly seizure.
The suspension of the distribution of the unconditional basic income due to the death of a private person or the suspension because of cessation of business or the bankruptcy of a company only affects the distribution of the unconditional basic income, but not the continued payment of purchase price refunds to the heirs or the company owner/s upon cessation, or a trustee in the event of bankruptcy.
If a registered member sends invitations to non-real private or company emails or any (temporarily) activated email accounts and then registers as this alleged (fake) person or company, including the documents and photographs required for the KYC - those in such a case normally also illegal created documents and photos - just to get a higher step and thus higher remuneration (purchase price refunds and participation in the advertising income, etc.), SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC, as well as the legislature, clearly considers this to be fraud.
If SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC discovers after some time that member accounts are not showing any activity (neither postings, nor purchases, nor further member invitations, etc.) SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC has the right to contact such members via email and by phone. In addition, SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC has the right to ask other members or particular authorities from the same region whether these persons or companies actually exist. SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC will make use of this option in any case.
If it actually turns out that a member has made such fake invitations and registrations in order to obtain higher remuneration, this clearly represents fraud. Such fraud will immediately lead to a file a charge (be reported to the respective authoriteis and the criminal court) by SIRIUS / HEBHI / ELC. At the same time, the corresponding member account will be blocked immediately, no further registration options will be granted and the unlawfully drawn additional payments will be demanded immediately in fiat / national currency. In the event of non-payment, an execution will be initiated immediately.
18. Acceptance of Advertisement and Information
By registering, each member automatically agrees to receive periodically, usually bi-weekly, in exceptional cases weekly current information (newsletter or similar) from SIRIUS / ELC or even HEBHI.
Such newsletter usually contain information of innovations and specials at SIRIUS / ELC newly added business members and their offers, new products and services, special offers and the like.
19. Length of Membership
A cooperation/membership begins with the submission of the registration form. Membership is valid until a cancellation is made. If no cancellation is made, the membership automatically lasts for an unlimited period.
A member may cancel his/her membership at any time.
SIRIUS / ELC usually don't cancel any membership, but if a member breaks one of the rules or regulations contained in these "Terms & Conditions", SIRIUS / ELC is entitled to dissolve the cooperation via email notification with immediate effect.
All forms of cancellation automatically result in the end of any payments.
20. Cancellation of Membership
Each member may cancel his membership at any time with or without stating any reasons by simple e-mail message.
SIRIUS / ELC will accept any dismissal in any case, whether justified or not, immediately (within one week at the latest) and delete the member data from the database.
The continuation of commission payments, or the continuation of the "Purchase Price Refunding " program does not take place in the event of a termination by the member. In the event of a termination by the member the "Purchase Price Refunding" and all other payments will be stopped with immediate effect.
A termination by SIRIUS / ELC is usually not provided, except a member violates the provisions as declared in the individual paragraphs of this "Terms & Contitions" or a member harms ELC or members of ELC regarding the reputation or even economically.
However, also the following reasons may result in a termination with immediate effect by SIRIUS / ELC:
In case SIRIUS / ELC detects that a member invited several friends (up to five or more to achieve the option to participate in the highest possible discount or in the "Purchase Price Refunding" program as well as all other high payments) but this (his) friends remain totally or mostly inactive or are only active for a short time (e.g. they only register as a member but don't shop anything and/or don't invite further friends, are mainly inactive and similar) and the inviting member buys one or more high-priced product(s) or service(s) and especially decides to participate in the "Purchase Price Refunding" program and the recruited members cancel their membership shortly thereafter, which suggests that the followers were only invited for the purpose of achieving the highest possible benefits or even don't correspond to real people or companies, SIRIUS / ELC will review the situation and in case the suspicion is true, not only terminate the membership with immediate effect, but also file a criminal complaint because of financial fraud at the court of the domicile of the respective member.
In particular, a termination with immediate effect, the cessation of any entitlements under this contract and the filling of a criminal complaint because of financial fraud at the court of the domicile of the respective member will definitely take place, if ELC detects, that a member invited, respectively registered by himself friends which do not correspond to real people or companies.
Both beforehand cited cases of financial fraud (points 20.1 and 20.2) can be easily ascertained and proven by ELC in multiple different ways.
21. Mutual Fairness
Each registered person or business, as well as SIRIUS / ELC and HEBHI, should practice general fairness. Especially business members should comply with all applicable laws when advertising or offering goods for sale and should earnestly uphold their membership. All members should refrain from doing anything that could compromise the reputation, image or goodwill of SIRIUS / ELC and HEBHI or its members and partners.
22. Links to Other Websites
Our Service may contain links to third-party web sites or services that are not owned or controlled by SIRIUS / ELC or HEBHI.
SIRIUS / ELC and HEBHI have no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party web sites or services. Mmebers further acknowledge and agree that SIRIUS / ELC and HEBHI shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such web sites or services.
We strongly advise members to read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third-party web sites or services that they visit.
23. Termination
We may terminate or suspend a member account immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if a member breach these Terms and Conditions.
Upon termination, members right to use the Service will cease immediately. If a member wish to terminate his account, he also may simply discontinue using the Service.
24. Limitation of Liability
Notwithstanding any damages that a member might incur, the entire liability of SIRIUS / ELC and HEBHI and any of its suppliers under any provision of this Terms and members exclusive remedy for all of the foregoing shall be limited to the amount actually paid by a member through the Service or 50 (fifty) US Dollars if the members haven't purchased anything through the Service.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall SIRIUS / ELC and HEBHI or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, loss of data or other information, for business interruption, for personal injury, loss of privacy arising out of or in any way related to the use of or inability to use the Service, third-party software and/or third-party hardware used with the Service, or otherwise in connection with any provision of this Terms), even if SIRIUS / ELC and HEBHI or any supplier has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if the remedy fails of its essential purpose.
Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, which means that some of the above limitations may not apply. In these states, each party's liability will be limited to the greatest extent permitted by law.
25. "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" Disclaimer
The Service is provided to members "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" and with all faults and defects without warranty of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, SIRIUS / ELC and HEBHI, on its own behalf and on behalf of its Affiliates and its and their respective licensors and service providers, expressly disclaims all warranties, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, with respect to the Service, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement, and warranties that may arise out of course of dealing, course of performance, usage or trade practice. Without limitation to the foregoing, SIRIUS / ELC and HEBHI provides no warranty or undertaking, and makes no representation of any kind that the Service will meet members requirements, achieve any intended results, be compatible or work with any other software, applications, systems or services, operate without interruption, meet any performance or reliability standards or be error free or that any errors or defects can or will be corrected.
Without limiting the foregoing, neither SIRIUS / ELC and HEBHI nor any of the company's provider makes any representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied: (i) as to the operation or availability of the Service, or the information, content, and materials or products included thereon; (ii) that the Service will be uninterrupted or error-free; (iii) as to the accuracy, reliability, or currency of any information or content provided through the Service; or (iv) that the Service, its servers, the content, or e-mails sent from or on behalf of SIRIUS / ELC and HEBHI are free of viruses, scripts, trojan horses, worms, malware, timebombs or other harmful components.
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain types of warranties or limitations on applicable statutory rights of a consumer, so some or all of the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to a member. But in such a case the exclusions and limitations set forth in this section shall be applied to the greatest extent enforceable under applicable law.
26. Transferral of Rights
A "Private Member" may not transfer his/her membership to a third party, unless the transferral of rights complies with an optimal cooperation and is confirmed by SIRIUS / ELC in written form. In the case of business members, no limitations apply when the business changes hands, is sold or otherwise changes.
27. Trustworthiness
Each registered person or business is bound to uphold trade secrets during and after the respective cooperation.
28. Special Info for MLM/Networking Companies & Partners
The ELC portal (community and shop) does not wish to become a multiplication platform for thousands of MLM and/or networking partners who are presenting one and the same product or service again and again, therefore only MLM or networking companies may become a "Business Member" or "Business Premium Member" only ONCE, but not standard partners.
This regulation belongs to all our services, e.g. shop, TV shop, classifieds, jobs, real estates, auctions, news, radio & TV and so on. We will not allow multiple insertion of one and the same service(s) and/or product(s) from one and the same company by multiple persons, partners or similar.
29. Our Philosophy
All us of, however, share a common bond. One factor applies to all humans to varying extents: throughout our lifetimes, WE ARE CONSUMERS!
This leads us to the most important realization, the PROVEN FACT, that almost all of the problems facing our planet are based on our consumer behavior and on past and current market structures and/or economic orders.
From which follows: If most of our global problems stem exclusively from our form of consumerism and the global market economy that results from it (from resources, production and trade to waste), then these problems can only be solved through the market and the subsequent change in its structure.
Problems which result from our economy can only be solved by a change in its structure, if we want a long-term and efficient solution.
And that's exactly what we are working for when we support many very important mainly sustainable business and projects.
It's also the reason why SIRIUS / HEBBHI / ELC was initiated, created and released, because we want to attract as many people as possible, as fast as possible and of course worldwide to indirectly assist in the urgent necessity to do all for a clean environment and a human and social future world while combining the pleasant with the profitable.
As a matter of fairness, we allow also business which are not only/definitely operating in a human-ecological manner or which are not only/definitely offering sustainable products or services to cooperate with SIRIUS / ELC (offer their products/services via SIRIUS / ELC), to guarantee a fair chance to all and to provide a strong attraction change/adapt their corporate philosophy as well as product / service range accordingly within a reasonable period.
However, starting in December 1st, 2022 we will permanently and regularly (every year) reduce the percentage of our "Purchase Price Refunding" for products/services which can't be classified as sustainable and which are sufficiently available in sustainable form by 10% (ten percent).
This permanently reduction, will be executed per December 1st, 2022 first time and continue with further annual deductions of further 10% (ten percent).
Every member, especially business members accept this regulation and therefore the corporate objective of without any subsequent objection. Already purchased products and/or service will NEVER be affected of such reduction. Members will be informed about steps in this matter which will only become effective for future shopping. In case a member will not agree in such a reduction he might cancel the membership at any time and without prior notice. Existing refunding for already purchased products/service will of course also be continued after the cancelation of a membership.
30. Governing Law
The laws of the Country, excluding its conflicts of law rules, shall govern this Terms and members use of the Service. Members use of the Application may also be subject to other local, state, national, or international laws.
30.1. Disputes Resolution
If members have any concern or dispute about the Service, they agree to first try to resolve the dispute informally by contacting SIRIUS / ELC or HEBHI.
30.2. For European Union (EU) Members
If members are European Union consumers, they will benefit from any mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which you are resident in.
30.3. United States Legal Compliance
Members represent and warrant that (i) members are not located in a country that is subject to the United States government embargo, or that has been designated by the United States government as a "terrorist supporting" country, and (ii) members are not listed on any United States government list of prohibited or restricted parties.
27. Severability and Waiver
If any provision of these Terms is held to be unenforceable or invalid, such provision will be changed and interpreted to accomplish the objectives of such provision to the greatest extent possible under applicable law and the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.
Except as provided herein, the failure to exercise a right or to require performance of an obligation under this Terms shall not effect a party's ability to exercise such right or require such performance at any time thereafter nor shall be the waiver of a breach constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach.
28. Translation Interpretation
These Terms and Conditions may have been translated if we have made them available to members on our Service. Members agree that the original GERMAN text shall prevail in the case of a dispute.
29. Changes to These Terms and Conditions
We reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material we will make reasonable efforts to provide at least 30 days notice prior to any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at Our sole discretion.
By continuing to access or use Our Service after those revisions become effective, members agree to be bound by the revised terms. If members do not agree to the new terms, in whole or in part, please stop using the website and the Service.
31. Applicable Law and Place of Jurisdiction
For disputes arising from this agreement the territorial law and jurisdiction and the competent court of the present head office of SIRIUS, DUBLIN, IRELAND, shall be deemed agreed.
It should go without saying that HEBHI only functions as a holding company and therefore only legal claims can be made to HEBHI that meet the legal requirements of a holding company. Ultimately, HEBHI is NOT responsible for the direct business of SIRIUS and the operation of ELC.
However, should actual legal claims against the holding company, HEBHI arise, so is for such disputes belonging only the holding company, Human Ecological Business Holding International Inc., in its legal function, the territorial law and jurisdiction and the competent court of the present head office of HEBHI, ALBANY, NY, USA, shall be deemed agreed.
30. Contact Us
If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, You can contact us:
By email: contact[at]easylife[dot]community
Dublin, Ireland, November 29th, 2020