Just 3 steps to your success
- Register for the free membership;
- Invite friends to join
and finally - make use of our free services.
The "Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network" (short: ELC) and it's crypto "GLOBAL" was created to make your life as easy as possible, thus you need only two - for better results three - simple steps to success:
- REGISTRATION for your free membership at ELC is basically the same as with any other community, social media or shopping platform, except for one important difference, namely:
1.1. Completely free of charge you will receive a cryptocurrency from us which is a valuable medium of exchange. That's why you have to - this is required by law - carry out the so-called KYC - Know Your Customer. This means: You also have to scan and upload your passport (outside and inside) as well as a photo of yourself with name, date and passport.
You can find out more about KYC and the corresponding regulations on Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Know_your_customer.
1.2. No matter which site you register from, via the Easy Life Community (https://easylife.community) or directly on the GLOBAL account site (https://easylifecommunity.com), registration is always done via the GLOBAL account site (https://easylifecommunity.com).
After registering, you are automatically registered on both platforms.
Another small note:
1.3. We offer fair and serious business platforms. That's why we prefer and recommend that you use your real name as your username (e.g. John Sample).
We do not want user names like “lovley susi”, “boy25” or worse and in particular we do not allow any morally questionable, offensive, legally questionable user names, posts, bullying or shitstorm actions! - By FRIENDSHIP INVITATIONS we mean your invitations of relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and from shops/companies you know.
Once you have successfully invited 5 (five) friends, you are entitled to the highest possible share of advertising revenue (35%) and 80% purchase price refund.
If only one of your successful invitations registers as a “Business Member” – no matter which one, the first, the fourth or possibly later even the seventh - and this “Business Member” also does active business with ELC (offers at least one real product or service in our shop), you will even receive a 100% purchase price refund on your future purchases (as long as this member cooperate with us).
You can read more about this under “Member Emoluments” in the footer menu.
ATTENTION - two important additional information:
2.1. Only the recommendation of a new member who has never been registered with ELC before is considered a successful invitation. Invitations among existing members are possible, but will not be counted towards the increase in compensation.
2.2. Of course, we do NOT offer a MLM or similar system. With your invitations you increase your percentage compensation up to the maximum, but no one at ELC earns money from referred new members - NO COMMISSIONS FOR FOLLOW-UP BUSINESS FROM REFERRED MEMBERS. - What do we mean by USE OUR FREE SERVICES?
We offer you our "Meeting Point", which corresponds to a usual community, such as Facebook/Meta, but is mainly intended for the topics we offer, "Alternative Business, Finance and Life", as well as sustainability, humanity and corresponding products and services and so on.
As you know, every social media, every community on the Internet lives from the marketing revenue, in which you - in our case - get a share of up to 35%, completely free of charge.
However, companies only advertise in social media / communities in which many people are active, talk and create posts.
For this reason:
3.1. Take the time to design your profile in the “Meeting Point” carefully and comprehensively (profile picture, photo, introduction, etc.)
Only if you place at least one post per week in our “Meeting Point” will you be entitled to a pro rata share of up to 35% of our advertising revenue.
That's it!
From now on, with the exception of the weekly "posts", your purchases - which you can partly pay for with GLOBAL and the rest will be refunded up to 80% - or your product/service inquiries - all things that you anyway do on the Internet, you don't have to do anything anymore!
Just sit back, enjoy your benefits, receive your "Unconditional Basic Income", benefit from the pro-rata shares of our advertising revenue, the purchase price refunds for products and services that are to be paid for in fiat/government currencies, usage rights of stocks and many other free services.