What is the Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network Platform: Overview
The "Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network" (short: ELC) platform represents the world‘s first and only global - mainly sustainable and human ecological oriented - alternative business, finance and life community platform on cryptocurrency basis which offers all registered users (private individuals and companies = members)
- an UNCONDITIONAL BASIC INCOME based on its own cryptocurrency, "GLOBAL"*);
- up to 100% purchase price refund on all shopping in Fiat currencies - also for business needs and merchandise (wherever, whenever, whatever a member buys and however high the price maybe);
- financial participation in the advertising revenue (of the complete platform);
- free usage rights of stocks (the right to vote and the right to receive the annual dividend)
Only applies from the completion of the planned US reverse merger and the final listing of the "Reporting Company" on the US stock exchange (planned for the 2nd half of 2021); - protection from a possible financial crash through the use of our own, non-publicly tradable, i.e. non-speculative and only internally applicable cryptocurrency "GLOBAL"
and - due to the mainly human ecological and sustainable orientation a significant contribution to environmental protection and humanity.
"Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network" (short: ELC) is a perfect combination of all functions and benefits of well-known social platforms, online mail order companies, blockchains, cryptocurrencies and more.
The key difference: at ELC, you will not only receive a monthly unconditional basic income, you are for the first time fully automatically involved in the financial success of the platform and you become a real, co-determining partner as it in fact should be in a fair and reliable social community worth being labeled as such!.
All for free, for life and without any additional work and time exposure.
Why do we offer this, why are we so generous?
Because it is our mission to attract as many people as possible, as fast as possible and of course worldwide to indirectly assist in the urgent necessity to do all for a clean environment and a human and social future world while combining the pleasant with the profitable.
Read on continuously - next topic / info: "Why is ELC so important to you?" >>
*) Each member receives each month 50 (fifty) "GLOBAL" automatically credited to his member account.
One GLOBAL always equals the value of ONE GRAM GOLD.
One gram of gold (as of October 2020) is around $ 60.
You can research the current value yourself, for example on KITCO >> or Prokeraia >>
Gold is the safest value in the world. This especially in case of global financial crash.
Nevertheless, the gold price also fluctuates slightly.
Therefore, the ultimate value of our GLOBAL and thus of your UNCONDITIONAL BASICL INCOME in your desired national currency is always slightly different, but we protect you against a financial crash and against a drop in the gold price.
Means: If the gold price falls five percent (5%) below the last maximum value, the GLOBAL is frozen at this value.
If the gold price rises above the last maximum value, the GLOBAL automatically adjusts itself to the current gold value.