All about your "Unconditional Basic Income"
As a one-time registered user, private person ("Private Member") and company ("Business Member") alike, you are automatically entitled to the "Unconditional Basic Income", which we will automatically credit to your member account at our GLOBAL platform each month.
You will receive 14 (fourteen) times a year (in June and in November twice / holiday and Christmas bonus) 50 (fifty) GLOBAL each. One GLOBAL equals to the value of one gram of gold, so your monthly "Unconditional Basic Income" is about $ 3,000 (three thousand dollar). Your "Unconditional Basic Income" is thus about $ 42,000 (fourty-two thousand dollar) annually.
You can now use your "Unconditional Basic Income" to shop either in our online shop or in a local store of our partners ("Business Member"). The respective partner companies ("Business Member") can be found under "Our Business Partners".
Only in the rarest of cases can you pay for a product or service in full with GLOBAL. However, our “Business Members” accept a minimum payment of 10% (ten percent) of the sales price in GLOBAL. Depending on the circumstances, this acceptance can be 50% (fifty percent) of the sales price or more. Don't forget that the remaining purchase price is subject to our purchase price refund, which means: the remaining purchase price (which must be paid in national currency) will be refunded to you at the respective percentage of your member status.
IMPORTANT: If you would like to pay for a product or service (partially) with GLOBAL and also receive your percentage purchase price refund for the remaining purchase price (in national currency), but you do not find a desired product or service in our online or local shop, just use the “Product Inquiry” form (accessible only if you are logged in - in the member menu) and tell us your purchase request and your preferred retailer/shop/company.
We then endeavor to advertise this shop/company as our "Business Member". If your desired shop/company becomes our "Business Member"1), you can purchase the desired product or service shortly in our online shop or in the local store of your desired shop/company with GLOBAL and you'll be entitled to the respective purchase price refund.
If the shop/company you suggest decides not to cooperate with us, we will either suggest another shop/company who (already) cooperates with us or we ourselves will offer this product or service in our online shop.
However, even if you cannot find the product or service you are looking for, make a "Product Inquiry" and in a few days this product or service will be available to you.
Of course, you can also collect (save) your monthly GLOBAL on your member account and use it later for a larger, more expensive purchase. Interest on any saved/accumulated GLOBAL- which is anyway received for free - will not be granted.
And, all our members - for whatever purposes (payments, trade, gifts, etc.) - can transfer GLOBAL among themselves, or buy GLOBAL from other members, respectively sell it to other members. In case of the purchase or sale in another crypto or state currency than GLOBAL, the member can set the respective price at will.
Further important: Receiving, acquiring and/or investing in GLOBAL offers 100% protection against any form of (global) financial crash.
By the way: If our monthly STANDARD "Unconditional Basic Income" seems too low for your needs, you are welcome to increase it. You can find out more under: "Increase my income"
1) If a company that you proposed to us as your preferred dealer cooperates with us, you have - even though we acquire him for you as a "Business Member" - automatically recruited a new "Business Member". You can see what this does for you from our explanations under: "Member Emoluments"