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From a Daydream to the Unconditional Basic Income

As early as 2006, Mario Eduard Giovanelli, often referred to as Mr. Green Social, published his book, "you should survive - react now". This ultimately resulted in the Easy Life Community & Blockchain Network.

After dealing intensively with the environmental, economic and financial situation since 2000, Mario Eduard Giovanelli wrote his first book, "you should survive - react now", which was exclusively available on the occasion of his lectures and on the Internet.

In this book he wrote about the current global situation regarding the main topics mentioned above. At the same time, he demonstrated viable, efficient and globally effective solutions. Not only that, he offered for the first time already implementation possibilities. The content of this book is still up to date. None of the identified problems has actually changed for the last 13 years.

Only the development and release of the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies finally made it possible to expand his concept of implementation in an ideal way and to realize the present offer, an Unconditional Basic Income for all.

In this way he created a solution to act against poverty, to prevent the collapse of social systems and to protect against the global financial crash.

The book (2006)


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